PURCTEMP Do not remove this line PROCEDURE B_SHTDT && Main program *----------------------------------------------------------------- * NAME * C:\CENTWISE\CENT2\B_SHTDT.PRG - Main program for form. *----------------------------------------------------------------- PRIVATE lTalk, lVoid, cOldProc, cFormRun, cDispMode, cNewMode IF SET( 'TALK' ) = 'ON' SET TALK OFF lTalk = .T. ELSE lTalk = .F. ENDIF *-------------------------------------- ACT_CODE FIRST_REF STOCK_CODE SUB_CODE JOB_CODE that FORMRUN.DBO *-- is in the same directory as your exe file. *-- Please note that the Automatic Link feature *-- doesn't notice FORMRUN.DBO because of the *-- macro expansion for the SET PROCEDURE. *---------------------------------------------- cOldProc = SET( 'PROCEDURE' ) IF [dBASE Compiler] $ VERSION(0) SET PROCEDURE TO FORMRUN ELSE cFormRun = HOME() + 'FORMRUN' SET PROCEDURE TO ( cFormRun ) ENDIF #line 1 "B_SHTDT.DFM" *...................................................... * C:\CENTWISE\CENT2\B_SHTDT.DFM * 15/02/97 09:21:14 *...................................................... *.............................................................. * Please do NOT include any Browse objects in this file. * Any memvars used for property values should be initialized * in the driver .PRG file that goes along with this file AFTER * the #include statement. *.............................................................. *............................................................. * WARNING: Using & to designate pick characters may result in * unintended macro expansions within strings. Use ~~ around * pick characters to avoid this behavior. Future versions of * dBASE for DOS will not support macro expansions within * quoted strings. *............................ ACT_CODE ACT_CODE FIRST_REF FIRST_REF STOCK_CODE STOCK_CODE SUB_CODE SUB_CODE JOB_CODE JOB_CODE